ABF Student Profile – De Neil Bibilas

De Neil Bibilas

De Neil Bibilas, living in Brazzaville in the Republic of the Congo, is currently embarking on her first year of studies in hotel and restaurant management. She acknowledges the integral financial assistance she’s received from The Albert Baker Fund (ABF) in pursuing this career path. In her studies, De Neil cherishes team spirit and building strong connections with customers; these aspects really bring her joy. A huge part of her motivation comes from the Christian Science teachings about loving and serving everyone. This foundation has filled her heart with compassion, inspiring her to commit daily acts of kindness and to live out the lessons she is learning in Sunday School.

De Neil’s relationship with ABF started when she learned about the organization’s commitment to financially support students of Christian Science. A fellow Sunday School student introduced her to ABF, which subsequently provided the essential financial support for her dream career in hotel and restaurant management. The practice of Christian Science has profoundly influenced De Neil’s approach to her studies, nurturing her drive to warmly welcome and serve individuals in alignment with Christ’s teachings. De Neil offers heartfelt gratitude for the role ABF is playing in her life, viewing the organization as a divine grace that propels students like her forward. She expresses deep appreciation for Mary Baker Eddy’s discovery of Christian Science, which has unveiled countless blessings in her life. De Neil shares, “I am so grateful to Christian Science and ABF for all they do for me and for us. I don’t know how to thank ABF enough. As it is written, ‘love is reflected in love.’”